Laureen Sabella
2 min readAug 13, 2020


Nothing to say

Haven’t been writing. Everything that needs to be said is already covered. Good, bad, silly, rational, dogs, neighbors, uncomfortable bedding, and, of course, much more. Kind of tired of this life and am waiting to discover that I’ve been shot out of a physics cannon into another dimension.

I do like the days of horses and wooden structures and landline phones and long dresses. Modern stuff is not fun.

I didn’t know that there were black cowboys until maybe a year or so ago. It was a little embarrassing that I wore cowboy boots for years because I love cowboy boots, but I was afraid they belonged to racists. I’ve had the boots for so many years and recently re-glued the soles because it would have cost over a hundred dollars, according to a man in a store, to fix them. So what I’m getting to is that there were black cowboys, and so my boots are not racist.

If I could go back in time I’d be with the black cowboys. There is so much that we never learned.

My grandfather rode horses in old cowboy movies when only white people would be shown. The horses often were filmed slipping and falling as part of the story. Horses then where just seen as props.

I had no normal emotions as I was growing up. I remember thinking that sensitive, kind people were just creepy. As an example, I was sure that Mr. Rogers on TV was a weirdo. I couldn’t watch him. I thought to be normal we had to be tough and following certain rules and just fitting in — but not being actually kind.

In my mind, kind people were a little daft. I guess what happens is that with age we soften and become the daft, kind people. I guess we have to do that in order to get to heaven. So, if there is a God and heaven, then as we age we get broken down to see the world differently and we realize how closed off we were to people, the horse we sponsored, the family and friends that we took for granted.

This must be why old people talk to dogs, cats, birds, their wine glass.

So I guess there is a whole story plot for each of us. Let’s just hope the ending is sweet, kind, forgiving….

