Laureen Sabella
1 min readApr 15, 2020


Just throwing this out there — like breadcrumbs for a pigeon:

I could write much more interesting, better stories with a pen name. Why that isn’t allowed I have no idea. Such a waste to demand that we use our names and why is that? Makes no sense to me and it is such a hindrance.

Just putting out this suggestion. Let real life cartoon characters emerge. There is no good reason for them to be stinted. It is like — -I don’t know what it’s like because it’s too late at night to be thinking — -but we need to be given some slack on here. Slackjaw — the humor thing is allowed on here so why not let writers be disguised? Humor is disguised sadness, is it not?

Bird Lady

To really make fun of life, and rip everything apart, one needs to stand in the shadows. Or we get shot, jumped, disgraced, thrown in jail. Or you just have people disowning or disgusted with you.

So. Give us a break and let us use a pen name. And I’m not just making an excuse for crummy stories.

